
PostgreSQL vs. MySQL for Flask Applications in 2024

DatabasesAugust 30, 2024


Flask, a popular Python micro web framework, provides developers with the flexibility to choose their preferred database system. In this comprehensive analysis, we compare two of the most widely used relational database systems for Flask applications: PostgreSQL and MySQL. Both databases have unique strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different scenarios. This article dissects these systems based on seven key features to aid in your decision-making process when selecting the ideal database for your Flask application.


When it comes to performance, both PostgreSQL and MySQL have their merits.

PostgreSQL is renowned for its robustness and ability to handle complex queries with multiple joins, making it a preferred choice for applications requiring extensive data analysis. It also supports advanced indexing techniques like partial, bitmap, and expression indexes, which can significantly enhance query performance.

PostgreSQL generally outperforms MySQL in complex query scenarios, particularly in write-intensive applications.1 However, it’s important to note that benchmark results can vary based on specific configurations and workloads.

On the other hand, MySQL excels in read-heavy scenarios where simple SELECT queries dominate. Its default storage engine, InnoDB, uses clustered indexes that store rows of data based on the primary key. This results in faster data retrieval compared to PostgreSQL’s heap table structure, where rows are stored randomly.

For a typical Flask application, these performance differences may only become significant when managing large datasets or high concurrency levels. A blog or small e-commerce site might perform equally well with either database, while a data analytics application might benefit more from PostgreSQL’s complex query performance.


Scalability is another critical factor to consider when choosing a database system.

PostgreSQL supports up to 10,000 concurrent connections out of the box, making it particularly well-suited for enterprise-level applications requiring substantial vertical scalability. This ability to efficiently leverage increasing hardware resources on a single server makes PostgreSQL an excellent choice for handling large volumes of data and complex transactions. Additionally, PostgreSQL introduced logical replication in version 10, enhancing its horizontal scaling capabilities.2

MySQL excels in horizontal scalability, a key reason it powers large-scale web applications like Facebook. MySQL’s built-in replication capabilities allow you to easily distribute the load across multiple servers, making it ideal for read-heavy applications with high traffic.

For Flask applications, scalability often becomes a concern as your user base grows. A Flask app using PostgreSQL might scale by upgrading to more powerful hardware, while one using MySQL might distribute read operations across multiple replica servers.


In terms of complexity, PostgreSQL and MySQL present different learning curves.

PostgreSQL is often perceived as more complex due to its extensive feature set and strict adherence to SQL standards. It supports a wide range of data types, including arrays and hstore (for storing key-value pairs), which can be overwhelming for beginners. However, this complexity also translates into flexibility, allowing developers to handle a variety of use cases. For example, a Flask application dealing with geographic data might benefit from PostgreSQL’s robust support for spatial data types and operations.

MySQL, on the other hand, is generally considered easier to start with. Its syntax is simpler and more forgiving, making it an attractive option for those new to database management. This simplicity, however, comes at the cost of reduced functionality compared to PostgreSQL. That said, MySQL has been adding more advanced features in recent versions, such as JSON support introduced in MySQL 5.7.3

When using Flask, both databases are supported through SQLAlchemy ORM, which abstracts many complexities associated with direct SQL queries. Here’s a basic example of setting up a Flask application with SQLAlchemy for both databases:

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)

# For PostgreSQL
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'postgresql://username:password@localhost/dbname'

# For MySQL
# app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'mysql://username:password@localhost/dbname'

db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class User(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    username = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True, nullable=False)
    email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True, nullable=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<User %r>' % self.username


Security is a paramount concern in any application, and the choice of database system plays a significant role in this aspect.

PostgreSQL is highly regarded for its robust security features. It provides granular control over user permissions, allowing administrators to define roles and assign privileges with precision. Additionally, it supports advanced security measures like SELinux and SQL-injection prevention. PostgreSQL also offers row-level security, allowing for fine-grained access control policies.4

MySQL also offers solid security features, including SSL support and a powerful access privilege system. While it lacks some of the advanced security mechanisms found in PostgreSQL, MySQL Enterprise Edition provides additional security features like transparent data encryption and a firewall.5

In terms of Flask integration, both databases can be securely connected using SQLAlchemy’s engine configuration options. Regardless of your choice between PostgreSQL and MySQL, ensuring secure configurations and following best practices is crucial to safeguarding your Flask application’s data.

Compatibility with Flask Applications

Flask, being a micro web framework, maintains its lightweight nature by not including a database abstraction layer. However, it provides seamless integration with SQLAlchemy ORM, which supports both PostgreSQL and MySQL.

In terms of driver support, Psycopg2 for PostgreSQL and PyMySQL for MySQL are widely used in the Flask ecosystem. Both drivers are mature and well-maintained, ensuring stable database connections for your application.

Moreover, Flask extensions like Flask-Migrate offer Alembic support (a database migration tool) for both PostgreSQL and MySQL. This allows developers to handle database schema changes smoothly over time.

From a compatibility perspective, both PostgreSQL and MySQL are on equal footing when it comes to Flask applications. The choice between the two would largely depend on other factors such as performance needs, scalability requirements, or specific feature preferences.

Community Support

Community support is often a decisive factor in selecting a database system. It directly impacts the quality of documentation, availability of third-party tools, and the speed at which issues are resolved.

PostgreSQL’s community is known for its commitment to open-source principles and rigorous academic standards. This has led to comprehensive documentation and an array of powerful extensions that enhance the database’s capabilities. The PostgreSQL mailing lists and Stack Overflow PostgreSQL tag are excellent resources for community support.

MySQL, being one of the most popular databases worldwide, has an enormous user base. Its popularity means there are abundant resources available online. The MySQL Forums and Stack Overflow MySQL tag are great places to find answers to MySQL-related questions.

In terms of Flask-specific resources, both databases are well-covered in Flask’s extensive ecosystem. The Flask Pallets Projects Slack is a great place to discuss Flask and database integration issues with the community.


When considering cost-effectiveness, both PostgreSQL and MySQL stand out as they are open-source and free to use. However, the total cost of ownership goes beyond just licensing fees.

PostgreSQL’s advanced features and performance capabilities can sometimes translate into higher hardware requirements, which could increase costs for large-scale applications. On the other hand, its powerful built-in functionalities might reduce the need for additional third-party tools or services.

MySQL is known for its efficiency and modest resource demands, making it a cost-effective choice for small to medium-sized applications. Its replication features can also help save costs when scaling horizontally by distributing load across cheaper servers.

Both PostgreSQL and MySQL are available as managed services on major cloud platforms like Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL, and Azure Database. Pricing for these services can vary, so it’s worth comparing based on your specific needs.

In terms of Flask integration, both databases work seamlessly with SQLAlchemy, meaning there will not be any additional costs related to compatibility issues.


Choosing between PostgreSQL and MySQL for your Flask application is not a clear-cut decision. Both databases offer robust features, strong performance, and extensive community support.

To help you decide, consider the following:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if:

    • Your application involves complex queries or large datasets
    • You need advanced data types or indexing features
    • Vertical scalability is a priority
    • You require advanced security features like row-level security
  • Choose MySQL if:

    • Your application is read-heavy with simple queries
    • You’re new to database management and prefer a simpler system
    • Horizontal scalability is a priority
    • You’re building a web application that doesn’t require complex data operations

Remember that both databases work seamlessly with Flask via SQLAlchemy and have mature driver support. Therefore, compatibility issues are unlikely to influence your decision.

Further Reading

Migrating between PostgreSQL and MySQL

If you find yourself needing to switch between PostgreSQL and MySQL in the future, tools like pgloader can help migrate data from MySQL to PostgreSQL. For the reverse direction, you might need to use a combination of database dumps and custom scripts. Always thoroughly test your application after migration, as there are syntax and feature differences between the two databases that might require code adjustments.