Markdown to Manuscript: Crafting eBooks with Pandoc

ProgrammingAugust 27, 2023
black android smartphone beside black ceramic mug on brown wooden table


Content creators, ranging from bloggers to technical writers, often use Markdown due to its straightforward nature and adaptability. But how can one transform Markdown files into eBooks? This guide will show you how, using Pandoc—a universal document converter.

Markdown’s adaptability allows for easy conversion into various formats, such as HTML, PDF, and eBooks. By following this guide, you’ll learn how to prepare your Markdown files for eBook distribution.

Step 1: Install Pandoc

Before starting the conversion process, you need to have Pandoc installed. It’s a comprehensive document converter that can transform Markdown files into many formats, including the widely-used eBook format, ePub. Download it from its official website here.

Step 2: Setting Metadata with Pandoc

Before converting, it’s essential to embed metadata for your eBook. Pandoc provides a direct method to set this metadata during the conversion process.

To set metadata with Pandoc, use the --metadata flag followed by the specific metadata type and its value. For instance:

pandoc -o mybook.epub --metadata title="My Awesome Book" --metadata author="John Doe"

For more detailed metadata, consider using a separate YAML metadata block at the beginning of your Markdown file:

title: My Awesome Book
- John Doe
- Jane Smith
date: 2023-08-26
description: A guide to the topic at hand.

With this block at the start of your Markdown file, Pandoc will automatically apply the metadata during the ePub conversion.

Step 3: Customizing Styles with CSS in Pandoc

To enhance your eBook’s appearance, you can apply custom styling using CSS.

  1. Create a CSS File: Start by crafting a CSS file, perhaps named custom-styles.css.
  2. Define Your Styles: In this file, specify styles for various elements. For example:
body {
    font-family: 'Georgia', serif;

h1, h2, h3 {
    color: #333;

p {
    line-height: 1.6;
  1. Apply the CSS in Pandoc: During the Markdown to ePub conversion with Pandoc, reference your CSS file using the --css option:
pandoc -o mybook.epub --css=custom-styles.css

It’s worth noting that while CSS offers flexibility, not all eReaders support every CSS property. Testing your styled eBook on multiple devices or apps ensures consistent appearance.

Step 4: Convert Markdown to ePub with Pandoc

With metadata and styles ready, you can now convert your Markdown file. When doing so, consider using the following Pandoc options to enhance the output:

  • --smart: This option enables “smart” typography conversion. For instance, straight quotes (" ") are transformed into curly quotes (“ ”), and double hyphens (--) become en-dashes (–). This results in a more polished and professional-looking eBook.

  • --normalize: This option ensures that the input is fully normalized. In essence, it cleans up the document by merging adjacent blocks of the same type and removing superfluous spaces, resulting in a cleaner and more consistent output.

  • --toc-depth=1: This option specifies the depth of the table of contents (TOC) generated in the eBook. A value of 1 means only top-level headers (e.g., # Header 1) are included in the TOC. Adjusting this value can help you control the granularity of your eBook’s TOC.

Here’s the command incorporating these options, along with the metadata and styles:

pandoc -o mybook.epub --css=custom-styles.css --smart --normalize --toc-depth=1

After running the command, you’ll find an ePub version of your book in the same directory as your Markdown file.


Transforming Markdown files into eBooks is a practical skill for many content creators. This guide has provided a clear path to achieve this using Pandoc. With practice, you’ll be able to produce professional eBooks from your Markdown files efficiently. Dive in and start your conversion journey!