How to use GhostText to Edit Web Forms

Text EditorsAugust 27, 2023
IG 👉@tandemxvisuals

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In the digital age, efficiency is key. GhostText, a handy tool that allows you to edit web forms using your favorite text editor, embodies this principle. This article will guide you through the process of setting up and using GhostText on macOS with Safari, however there are extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera as well. Additionally, we’ll focus primarily on Visual Studio Code but also touch upon other supported editors. By the end of this journey, you’ll be able to seamlessly integrate your web browsing and text editing experiences for a smoother workflow.

Step 1: Installing GhostText

Before we can start editing web forms with the finesse of a text editor, we need to install the GhostText Safari Extension. This browser extension is the bridge that connects your web browser and text editor.

To install GhostText on Safari, follow these steps:

  1. Open Safari and navigate to the GhostText App on the App Store.
  2. Click on ‘Get’ and then ‘Install’. If prompted, enter your Apple ID credentials.
  3. Once installed, go to Safari’s Preferences (Safari > Preferences in the menu bar or Cmd + ,).
  4. In the Extensions tab, ensure that GhostText is enabled.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed GhostText on Safari. But we’re not done yet—there’s another half of this bridge we need to build.

Step 2: Installing Editor Plugins

GhostText needs corresponding plugins in your text editors to function properly. Let’s start with Visual Studio Code:

  1. Launch Visual Studio Code.
  2. Go to Extensions view (View > Extensions in the menu bar or Shift + Cmd + X).
  3. Search for ‘GhostText’ in the search box and select it from the list.
  4. Click ‘Install’.

For other supported editors like Emacs, Sublime Text or Atom, you’ll find similar plugins available in their respective package managers. There are extensions for Vim and Neovim on GitHub. The installation process should be similar as with other packages.

Now you have both ends of our bridge set up—let’s connect them!

Step 3: Connecting GhostText with Your Editor

With GhostText installed on both your browser and text editor, it’s time to establish the connection. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Open a web form that you want to edit in Safari.
  2. Right-click on the text area and select ‘Edit with GhostText’.
  3. A prompt will appear asking you to select your preferred text editor (if you have multiple editors with GhostText plugins installed). Choose Visual Studio Code or your desired editor.

Voila! The contents of the web form should now appear in your chosen text editor, ready for editing.

Step 4: Editing Web Forms

Now comes the fun part—editing web forms using all the power and flexibility of your favorite text editor!

As soon as you start typing in your text editor, you’ll notice that changes are reflected instantly in the web form—no need to switch back and forth between tabs or windows. This real-time synchronization is what makes GhostText such a powerful tool for efficient web content creation.

Remember, when you’re done editing, make sure to save changes in your text editor before closing it; otherwise, changes won’t be saved on the web form.


GhostText offers an innovative solution for those who prefer their trusty text editors over conventional input fields when working with web forms. By bridging browsers and editors, it streamlines workflows and enhances productivity without compromising familiarity or comfort.
