
How to Manage zsh History

ProgrammingAugust 27, 2023
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In the vast universe of Unix-like operating systems, Zsh (Z shell) is a shining star. It’s not just a shell, but an interactive command interpreter with features that can make your terminal experience more efficient and enjoyable. One such feature is its ability to manage command history. This article will guide you through the labyrinth of managing Zsh history—from understanding the default behavior of the history command, viewing part or entire history, handling multiple simultaneous instances in different terminals, searching through past commands, to clearing out your history when needed.

Understanding the Default Behavior of history Command

The history command in Zsh, by default, displays a list of commands that you’ve previously executed. Each command is accompanied by an event number which can be used to recall or modify the command. The size of this history list is determined by two shell variables: HISTSIZE and SAVEHIST.

HISTSIZE sets the maximum number of events stored in the internal history list while SAVEHIST determines how many lines from the history list are saved to a file when an interactive shell exits. By default, these values might not be set, meaning your session will only remember commands until you close it.

To view these settings, use echo $HISTSIZE and echo $SAVEHIST. If they’re unset or if you wish to change them, add lines like HISTSIZE=1000; SAVEHIST=1000 to your .zshrc.

Note that any changes made directly in the terminal will only apply to the current session. To make them permanent across all sessions, modifications should be added to your .zshrc, a hidden configuration file located in your home directory (~/.zshrc). After editing .zshrc, apply changes with the source command: source ~/.zshrc.

In our next section, we’ll explore how to view part or entire history.

Viewing Part or Entire History

To view the most recent 16 command entries, type history in the terminal. To view your entire command history, type history 0. However, if you’re looking for something specific or want to limit the number of results, there are ways to do that.

For instance, to see the last 10 commands you’ve executed, use history | tail -10. The tail command displays the end of a file and -10 specifies the last 10 lines.

If you’re interested in seeing what you did at the beginning of your session, replace tail with head, like so: history | head -10.

But what if you’re searching for a specific command? That’s where grep comes into play. Grep is a powerful tool used for pattern searching. For example, if you want to find all instances where you used ‘git’, type: history | grep git.

Remember that these commands only show history up to the limit set by the HISTSIZE and SAVEHIST variables discussed earlier. In our next section, we’ll delve into handling multiple simultaneous Zsh instances.

Handling Multiple Simultaneous Instances of Zsh

If you’re a power user, chances are you have multiple terminal windows open at the same time or use tools like screen. Each of these instances has its own command history, which can lead to some confusion. Fortunately, Zsh provides a way to share history across all active sessions.

To enable shared history, add the following lines to your .zshrc file:


The SHARE_HISTORY option ensures that Zsh saves the history after each command and loads it before the next one. The HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS option prevents duplicate entries from being saved in the history file. This keeps your history clean and easy to navigate.

After adding these lines, don’t forget to apply changes with source ~/.zshrc.

In our next section, we’ll learn how to search through our command history.

Searching Through Command History

Navigating through a long list of commands can be daunting. Thankfully, Zsh offers an efficient way to search through your command history.

To initiate a search, press Ctrl + R in the terminal. This will prompt (reverse-i-search) where you can start typing the command or part of it that you’re looking for. As you type, Zsh will autocomplete with matching commands from your history.

Pressing Ctrl + R again while in search mode will cycle backwards through multiple matches. Once you’ve found the command you were looking for, simply press Enter to execute it or Right Arrow key to edit it before executing.

If at any point during the search you want to cancel it, just hit Ctrl + G.

This feature is invaluable for quickly accessing previously used complex or lengthy commands.

In our final section, we’ll discuss how to clear out your Zsh history.

Clearing Out Zsh History

There might be times when you want to clear your command history, either for privacy reasons or simply to start fresh. Here’s how you can do it in Zsh.

To clear the history for the current session, use the fc -R /dev/null command. This tells Zsh to replace the current history list with an empty file (/dev/null).

If you want to permanently delete all saved history, remove the .zhistory file located in your home directory with rm ~/.zhistory. After that, execute exec zsh to start a new shell without any prior history.

Caution: Clearing out your history is irreversible. Ensure you truly want to erase it before proceeding.

With this final piece of knowledge, we’ve covered all aspects of managing Zsh command history!


Managing Zsh command history effectively can greatly enhance your terminal experience. From understanding default settings and viewing specific parts of your history, through handling multiple instances and searching past commands, up to clearing out your entire command trail—mastering these skills will make navigating through past commands a breeze.
