Convert Images to WebP on the macOS Command Line

ProgrammingFebruary 02, 2024
steel wool photo of orange fire

On the web, every byte counts. Image optimization plays a crucial role in enhancing user experience and boosting website performance. Smaller images mean faster loading times, happier visitors, and potentially, a better SEO ranking. Enter WebP, a revolutionary image format developed by Google, offering a compelling blend of superior compression and versatility.

Why WebP? A Superior Image Solution

Developed by Google, WebP is a next-generation image format offering significant file size reductions without sacrificing quality Compared to traditional formats like JPEG and PNG, this efficiency comes in two flavors:

  • Superior lossy compression: Achieve smaller file sizes with minimal noticeable visual loss, ideal for photographs and complex visuals.

  • Lossless compression: Maintain crisp details and transparency while reducing file size compared to PNG, making it suitable for logos and graphics.

The result? Faster page loading times, improved SEO due to smaller file sizes, and ultimately, happier users who don’t have to wait for images to load.

Converting Images to WebP on macOS

Converting images to WebP on macOS is simple and requires two tools.

  1. Installing the Tools:

    We’ll need to install two packages: libwebp and imagemagick. Homebrew users can install them with:

    brew install webp imagemagick

  2. Converting Images:

    Here’s how to convert your images:

    • Lossless Conversion: Preserve every pixel with the -lossless flag:

      cwebp -lossless input.png -o output.webp

    • Lossy Conversion: Strike a balance between quality and size using the -q flag (0-100, higher for better quality):

      cwebp -q 90 input.jpg -o output.webp

Tips for Image Optimization

While WebP is a powerful tool, remember it’s just one piece of the image optimization puzzle. Consider these additional strategies:

  • Resize images: Scale visuals to their intended display size before compression. No need for oversized images on smaller screens.

  • Utilize caching: Store optimized images on your server to avoid repetitive processing and ensure swift delivery.

  • Explore alternative tools: While we covered command-line conversion, various GUI and web-based options offer a more user-friendly approach.


While WebP shines in many aspects, keep these considerations in mind:

  • Limited browser compatibility: Older browsers might not support WebP fully. Provide fallback options like JPEG for universal accessibility.

  • Transparency limitations: Complex transparency effects might not be accurately represented in WebP. PNG remains the preferred choice for such scenarios.

Embrace the Future

By understanding the benefits, limitations, and best practices surrounding WebP, you can make informed decisions about when and how to incorporate it into your image optimization workflow. Remember, it’s an ongoing process, so keep exploring and experimenting to find the perfect balance for your website.

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